When it comes to making money online, it seems like there are so many people giving false information and scams out there.
So in todays blog, I am going to share some real credible information on the best online businesses to start as an absolute beginner.
Now in this blog I am going to share with you three very specific online business models.
The first one is going to be the easiest one. So if you have no skills and you want to start today that's actually going to work. This is the business model for you.
The second online business in this video, again is going to be a very easy one that you can start today.
And the third one has the potential to make you the most money the fastest.
Alright guys without wasting any time , lets get straight into the first one here.
Ok, So starting with the very first business model, like I said this is the easiest one that anyone can start today.
Now, you may have seen this called Amazon KDP, and essentially what this is where you can create books and sell them on Amazon. Now, I don't want you to think that you have to write full books for this. You can actually create daily planners or blank journals, all different types of books, and you can sell those on Amazon KDP.
So I'll put up a really big list here of different ideas that you can create KDP books with,
- Gratitude journals
- Fitness journals
- Daily planners
- Self-care journals
- Dream Journals
- Pregnancy Journals
- Goal Setting Journals
- Workout logbooks
- Running logbooks
- Diet logbooks
- Travel logbooks
- Wine logbooks
- Personal Diaries
- Financial Planners
- Travel Planners
- Blank Notebooks
- Coloring Books
- Puzzle Books
- Word Search Books
- Sudoku Books
- Maze Books
- Wedding Guest Book
- Baby Shower Guest Book
- Birthday Guest Book
- Mandala Coloring Book
So hopefully this list gives you some brainstorming ideas of different types of books you can create.
Now the thing I love some much about this is all we have to do is create this actual arc file on our computer/mobile front and back for the covers and then what's going to be on each page. And if you have the right software, you can create all this so easily and you upload those to Amazon and then that creates a virtual listing of this product. And when someone purchases it Amazon actually prints this physical book and ships it out to the customer. We don't have to print anything. We don't even take care of customer service. It's all done on Amazon.
Ok, so moving into the second online business that I highly recommend. This one is slightly harder to do than Amazon KDP, but it is still definitely classified as one that is easy to start. What this business is called is "Print on Demand"
Now, if you haven't heard of Print on Demand before, it is very similar to Amazon KDP, but instead of creating books, you're creating t-shirts.
Now, if this is a business model that I have a ton of experience with, I've literally been doing this one for about 1 year. This is a business model that has proven time and time gain to work. Let me show you an example :
There are several Print on Demand marketplaces you can sell on.
With that being said, if you type in something like funny fishing shirt or anime t-shirts on GOOGLE just for an example, and you scroll down and you have see different websites who are providing custom prints wears. So these are all being done with PRINT ON DEMAND.
For example in Amazon, you just click one of these t-shirts, just like Amazon KDP, the person who created this only created the design here and Amazon created this listing. Whenever someone places an order, Amazon will print it and ship it out to the customer and take care of all the customer service for you.
Now, what's cool is as you're looking around Amazon just doing some research on this, anytime you see this little label right here, AMAZON MERCH ON DEMAND, that means this listing is being done with Print on Demand.
So just like AMAZON KDP, you set your price so you get to determine how much money you make per sale, and then anyone can come in here, they can choose what kind of shirt they want that printed on, what color, what size, and they can add to their cart and they can purchase it even with Amazon Prime Shipping.
Now couple of really important things about Print on Demand .
First, I would say that it is very similar to Amazon KDP. The only main difference is that in order to be a seller for Amazon Print on Demand, you have to actually apply to be a seller.
So, if you go over to GOOGLE, you type in Amazon Merch on Demand, it'll bring to this page ,
and this is where you actually sign up to be a Print on Demand seller on Amazon. So, once you sign up, it goes through a very quick application and then you have to wait up to 14 days to hear back from Amazon to see if you are approved or not.
Now a bit of good news here is that while you're waiting from Amazon to hear back, there are a couple of other big Print on Demand marketplaces that you can also sell you designs on, and you can start on those right away.
You don't have to apply to be a seller. Now those websites and how to apply Amazon, all the information for Print on Demand business is going to be in a full print on demand tutorial . Link given below:
Now with that being said, I would say the number one issue or obstacle people run into when starting Print on Demand is how actually create designs if you don't have graphic design experience.
But there are many graphic designing tools which can help you creating designs.
Top 5 Graphic Designing Tools :
You don't need to have any graphic designing experience for using these tools. Its super easy to understand.
So guys, that is the second online business model.
Before we get into the third business model, I just want to say, I hope you are enjoying this blog. All of this information coming from real hand experience. So I'm not just spewing out information that I found on GOOGLE.
Alright so lets get into the third and final online business model that I highly recommend.
Now, this one is going to be the hardest one to do on this list, however, its going to have the biggest earning potential.
3. Affiliate Marketing
Now, if you've seen other people teaching how to do affiliate marketing, I have a personal strategy that I am about to share with you that not many other people are talking about, and this is the way that I personally vouch for it working.
So what affiliate marketing is is just like whenever you buy something from a company, if they ever send you an email afterwards and they say, hey, if you refer us a friend, we will give you $20 or we'll give you some kind of credit towards future purchases.
That referral program that company is offering is also known as their affiliate program.
So whenever you hear affiliate program, just think of referral program.
What most people don't realize is that when you go to all these big websites out there or big companies that sell things, you can typically go all the way to the bottom of their homepage and they have a little bit of text that you can click on that says affiliate program.
Anyone out there in the world can go on that and they can join their affiliate program totally for free. And then they get their own unique referral links to any product that that company sells. So the way that this works is anytime you send your referral link to anyone out there, they click on that link and they purchase from the company, you will then get a commission from that company.
So with that being said, let's switch over to the computer and let me explain the strategy for affiliate marketing that is absolutely working right now.
So where the strategy starts is actually on YouTube.
Lets type in best fishing poles for beginners.
So these contents are from big creators. It has 310k views, 164k views, as you keep scrolling down here, you're going to find some of the small creators.
This is just going to prove that this strategy works for people who are just starting today as well.
So if you click one of the videos for example, and in the video description you can see referral links to these specific products that they talked about in the video.
Now, this is just an example for fishing poles on a YouTube channel, BUT YOU CAN DO THIS FOR ANY DIFFERENT NICHE OUT THERE.
You can do affiliate marketing with any different company that has an affiliate program.
This is a business model that absolutely works.
Now the last thing that I'll say here is that there's two kind of catches here.
One is that you have to create a video. You don't have to actually be on camera. There's ways of doing it where you can just show the camera forward and show what you were talking about.
But that's probably going to be the biggest hangup and reasons why people don't start this business model. But it's also why have the biggest earning potential so quickly.
Now the second kind of catch to this business model. Another thing that makes it one of the harder ones to do is that you have to actually have your hands on these products. Now, that means that you have to purchase the products to make the video, or what I recommend doing is making videos about products that you already own.
The best way to do this is to think about any products that you have purchased from Amazon. What most people don't know is that Amazon has an affiliate program. This means that around your house, you probably have products that you could pick up the camera and create videos about, and you can put your specific referral links to those products in the description.
Now there is so much that I can unpack about this business model, however, that is what I've put in full step by step affiliate marketing tutorial down in the link :
Step by Step Affiliate Marketing :
So guys, there you have it those are the three online businesses that I could personally vouch for with video links.
I hope you guys enjoyed the blog.
Please give a try of any one of those business models.
Hope you will have a great future ahead and achieve all your dreams as soon as possible.
Thank you
Riddick Saikia.